Friday, March 27, 2015

French Fries

Total french fry failure on my run today.  I had been a total slacker for the last few weeks, though I have been climbing, yogaing, and getting in my fitbit steps.  Not to mention finishing the first quarter of classes (yay!).  But still.  I was going to go for a run yesterday, but I was so cranky and it was pouring out, I just couldn't deal.  So I decided I had to go today.

I had "Staff Meeting" at work today (I say that in quotes because it's just me and my boss and we didn't really have an agenda today, we were both sick of underachieving, over demanding students, so we sat and complained for 20 minutes.)  And, she had french fries which she demanded I eat.  They smelled so good, I couldn't help myself!

Bad move.  I got about a 1.6 miles into the run and cramps completely overtook me.  I was on the Charles, at the free parking section.  So, of course I was about as far from my car as possible, and I thought I would die.  I had gone up the short side of the river and was going to run back down the long side, but instead I walked over the Weeks Footbridge and back to my car.  Total distance was about 2.9 miles, but 1.3 walking.  Waaaa!  Next week I'm on Staycation, so hopefully I'll get in a good run then.

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