Monday, March 16, 2015

Like Spring!

Yesterday we broke the record for the most snow in one winter.  The old record represented more than a month and a half worth's of snow, of course.  Today it was in the upper 40's, the snow had melted from all the sidewalks, and it was practically spring-like.  I think I even saw some buds on the trees!

I was at work late (partly because yesterday was a big deadline and the kiddies are going nuts, I wanted to put them out of their misery and partly because I kinda overslept and got in late).  I really wanted to go for a run outside, and thought before dark would be better.  So, I decided on a route from my office.  It was actually pretty nice!  I went up the Southwest Corridor to BackBay, through Copley, down the center part of Commonwealth, past the Summershack (not a Boston Landmark, but it smelled really good), thru the plaza at the Christian Science Church, and then back to my building. It was almost exactly 3 miles, and I did it in 30 minutes and 55 seconds!  That's a 10 min 18 sec mile!!  I was very pleased :)

I had near perfect light timing, hardly had to stop at all.  Lots of people were out, but not so many that they were in my way.  I felt really good!  Of course, I was very happy to stop, and thought about taking the elevator up to my office after (I'm on the 4th floor) but then decided that would be beyond lame, so I walked.  Def will do that route again, and it would be easy to add a little more distance (or less.)

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