Friday, March 6, 2015

First March Run

That's a little lame, it's already March 6!  Last weekend I went for a hike with this LL Bean Meet-up. It was someplace new, so that was cool.  Really big group, though.  And when we started the woman in front of me was telling this other person about her recent bladder surgery, and how hard it is on the body, even if it is orthoscopic.  That was my first clue that it was going to be a slow one....  Should have just gone to the gym, but it was so nice out!

There's still so much snow, it's hard to run outside.  The sidewalks aren't clear and the Boston drivers are crazy.  So, back to the gym.  My boss challenged me on the Steps program, and she's on vacation this week!  I should be a good employee and let her win, but I'm like obsessed with beating her.  And it's only day one of a 14 day challenge.

Anyhow, I did 30 min on the treadmill.  When I got there the treadmills were pretty full, and there was this woman running pretty fast on one of them, or so I thought.  There was a free one next to her, so I want over there, and then I realized that she was running the same pace that I do!  Hey!!  I did 20 min at 5.7 mph, then realized I could go faster, so for the last 10 min I did 5.8.  It felt good, or at least like I didn't want to die, and I wound up going 3.1 plus a little miles, so I felt good about it.  I think I'm getting my aerobic conditioning back.

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