Thursday, January 1, 2015

Half the Stadium!

Happy New Year Readers! (Kit)  My tendon is finally starting to feel better.  I've been icing twice daily and doing stretches.  It now feels weaker but not sore.  I'm going to keep doing the stretches/icing for another couple weeks, and then gradually start running again.  Starting with like one mile.  So I don't hurt it again.  What a pain!  In the mean time I've been walking and hiking.  No elliptical (because it's been nice out and that's just boring).

For New Year's yesterday I went for a drink with a friend at 6 and then went to yoga from 10-12.  It's an awesome way to bring in the new year, I walked a mile to class, two hours of yoga, ending with an om circle at midnight, and then walked back home.  No hangover, no desperate party attempts, no hanging out with a bunch of people I don't know playing beer pong.  Very zen.

Today to start my year out right I decided to try to do half Harvard Stadium + one step.  I got there and the usual gate that I go in was locked, and I thought that I would be locked out!  I walked around the stadium, and finally climbed a fence.  Of course on the way out I discovered that there was another gate opened, and if I had walked another 15 feet I would have gotten to it.  But whatever, I felt hardcore.

I decided to start at the halfway point, so I went to row 19 and went up 16 steps of the 31.  Then I want down to 18, 17, 16, etc.  Again I was a little worried that I wouldn't be able to complete the goal I set, especially around row 13 ish.  But then I was like "I can't start my new year by quitting!" and so I kept going.  I had to take a couple minutes at the base of a few of the rows, but whatever.  By the end my legs really felt like spaghetti, and I was so ready to be done.  The nice thing about Stadiums is that they do only take about 30 seconds a row.  I can do anything for 30 seconds.  I mean, it's just 30 secs.

Next time I'm going to try for the full 19. :)

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