Saturday, January 24, 2015

Charles, how I missed you!

Went for a short run at the Charles today. I did the Museum of Science to Longfellow loop, it was just a little over 2.5 miles. It took me 26 min and 50 sec, which is my usual pace.  The run felt good, but now I notice that my tendon is a little sore again, even though I iced it twice.  But it's not really sore, just "hello, I'm a tendon and don't you forget it!" sore.

It's pretty much winter, though no snow yet and today was pretty warm (around 30 ish). I wore my new Patagonia ninja hoodie for the run, with the Athleta winter tights and the gloves with the snot wipers and I was just perfect.  After running I went to the pet store because it was right there. I've been thinking that my cat Tiger might like to be an indoor/outdoor cat, so I bought a cat leash to see.  So there I was, all sweaty in my ninja wear, buying a cat leash. Awesome.

Anyhow, it was a beautiful night out! Calm and peaceful, bright new moon, the Charles is a little icy, and the City looked great. Perfect for a run.  It felt nice to be out there, not too painful for most of the run!

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