Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Running again!

I decided that today was the day to test out the tendon!  Actually, yesterday was the test day - I was at the climbing gym for yoga and ran on the treadmill there.  I had forgotten how crappy their treadmill is, it really sucks, it's squeaky and rattly and I always think it will fall apart.  But, it's so cold and windy out, I decided to go for it.  So yesterday I ran for 7 minutes and went .66 mile and things weren't too painful, just the squeaking and a little tendon tightness. So I decided to test it a little more today with a slightly longer treadmill run.

I went to the gym and did 20 minutes on the treadmill at 5 mph, so very slow.  I wanted to make sure to ease back into things.  So, my right IT band is kind of like "WTF, I thought we stopped with this crap?!??" and my tendon is a little tight, but I think it's OK. In total I went 1.75 miles, so not a long run at all. But, I think it was a success!  I'm going to see how things feel tomorrow.

It's supposed to be cold out all week, maybe warming up Friday. So, maybe I'll try for a Friday run, or Sunday would be the next time it's supposed to be reasonable out.  Yay!

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