Saturday, December 20, 2014


IDK what it is with me and December, but once again I had a mega migraine/sinus infection and so haven't been exercising enough.  I finally went to the doctor about my sinuses, and while I was there she looked at my ankle.  She said it was my achilles tendon, which was my first theory, and that I should rest and put ice on it, and she showed me a stretch.  And said wait another couple of weeks to start running again.  So, I will just be doing stadiums and the elliptical until next year.  Blah.  I hope that when I go back to running I can still do it - this has been my longest break from it so far!

The doctor did give me an antibiotic for the sinuses, so I'm feeling a lot better!  (She actually didn't look at all convinced that it was bacterial, so maybe it's just the placebo affect, but I'm cool with that.)  So, today I headed off to Harvard.

They have some giant silver bubble structure inflated on the field in the stadium, which was weird.  And there was this chick there who was sprinting up the steps and bouncing down them.  Crazy!  She was with this guy who was dragging himself up a few of the rows, but mostly just watching.  And there was a couple who was walking the steps, but pretty fast = way faster than me.

I did manage to get to 16, which is 496 giant steps!  At the end of 16 my legs were like spaghetti, and the left eye was a tiny bit spotty.  There are 37 sections in total, I was thinking of setting my next goal as the half way point, but 18.5 might be pushing it.  On the other hand, I've just been sitting on the couch for the last couple weeks, so maybe if I exercised during the week a little....

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