Friday, February 6, 2015

It's Winter

It's been storm central here.  There's so much snow, no one knows where to put it!  The city has "snow farms" where they are driving truck loads of snow to melt.  Crazy!  On the bright side, I got one snow day this week and two last week, which was pretty awesome.  And, I only have to uncover my car, which isn't that much shoveling.  The dark side has been the traffic.  Today I got in my car at work at 5:23 and at 6:00 I was still about 2 blocks from Northeastern.

Anyhow, with the snow and ice and freezing cold (it was -2 last night!) it's been impossible to run outside, even with my ninja wear.  I did go snow shoeing for an hour in the Fells last weekend, which was pretty awesome.  And I went to the gym last weekend and spent an hour on the elliptical, which was beyond boring.  Today I decided to hit the gym again, and run!

It was tough.  I started at 5.5 mph for 5 min, then bumped it up to 5.7 for about 20 min, then I had to go back down to 5.5 again.  Then I slowed to a walk at 28 minutes.  Total time on the treadmill, 30 minutes, total distance 2.58 miles.  Which proves that it's not always 5K on the treadmill.  It was hard.  I've clearly lost some aerobic conditioning.

I iced my tendon and my right  IT band as soon as I got home.  Right now it feels ok.  But maybe I'll ice again before bed.

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