Monday, August 4, 2014

Lost in Cambridge

I had to work late tonight. Ironically I was giving a presentation on how to interview. I really suck at interviews, so bad, and these students are so together. Oh, irony. I had a late lunch, but I was still pretty hungry by the time I left campus. So, I decided to do a shorter run on the Charles - from The Mass Ave bridge up the esplanade, over the Longfellow, and back. I parked on MIT campus, by the place where the cop always tells me not to do a Uturn and headed off. A couple of little quirks at the start of my run, I didn't have any ear buds, and one of my socks was all bunchy in my shoe.

I had to walk a couple time, I swear once because my calf was sore, but once I was running out of steam. So, brilliantly I decided to take a short cut back. Uh huh. That's where I got totally lost. I did finally figure out where the Kendall Google office is, and I got to walk through a very large building at MIT. At this point I was HUNGRY and out of steam, and just wanted to get back to my car (not so much that I would run to get there faster apparently) and the sock thing was driving me crazy. I finally stopped to straighten it out, and realized I had a ponytail holder in my shoe!

Anyhow, it took about 30 minutes to find my way back from my shortcut, and yup, the Google office is about two blocks from where I was parked. I don't know total distance or run time because I walked some, but it was about 35 min. Acceptable, but I will try not to repeat.

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