Monday, August 18, 2014

Passed a Duck Boat!

I decided to do the post-Weight Watchers run again today (down 1.6 pounds, yay, and I kinda had to poop, so it could have really been more!)  I wanted to make the loop a little bigger, and so spur of the moment decided to go over the Charles River on the Longfellow Bridge, up the Boston side to the Museum of Science Bridge and back.  I sort of forgot that the access to the park is blocked by construction, so it was a little difficult to get around, but sadly I didn't get stopped at any lights.

When I was running up the Charles I looked at the water and there was an orange duck boat a little in front of me.  I was pretty surprised as I started gaining on it, and then I passed it!  Awesome!!  I quacked at it a few times in my head.  Of course, in the mean time like 50 people passed me, so it's not like I was flying or anything.

In total I went 3.63 miles, so respectable, but not really a long run.  Time was 38 minutes, 14 sec, so a 10 and a half minute mile.  I felt pretty good while I was running.  Like I could keep going for a long time (not that I really wanted to, I was still happy to stop.)

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