Saturday, July 5, 2014

I'm back!

Hiking in Yosemite was amazing, and the conference that followed was really good.  We did some pretty intense hikes, one up to the top of Yosemite falls, which is the highest waterfall in the US, and one 8.5 mile hike down the Panorama Trail, which had awesome views.  I walked a lot in San Francisco, one day to the pier because Hillary Clinton was there signing books and I wanted to get one (you had to have a ticket, so I didn't get her signature, but I did see her.  She signs things well.)

July 4 fireworks were on the 3rd this year due to weather.  My friend from Mexico and her daughter were here, and still are.  They are such shoppers, I left them at the mall today, and went for a run while they were shopping.  It's finally beautiful out, and I can't stand to be inside after all the storms.

I was a little nervous I wouldn't be able to run after so long away from it.  It was a slow run today, though partly due to cramps.  I actually had to stop and walk for about 5 min, they were that bad.  Anyhow, I went from the mall, up the Charles, across the Mass Ave Bridge, along the esplanade, over the Museum of Science Bridge and back.  Subtracting what I walked, it was about 4.1 miles in 45 min 44 sec, which is an 11 min 9 sec mile.  Slow, but a long run for me, and a return to running, so it's ok.

There were so many people out on the Esplanade, and all the 4th stuff was still around. Perfect day for a run!

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