Thursday, July 10, 2014

Oh, Fartliks

I decided to try to do some more fartliks to find my pace, as it were.  It may not have been a total success.  Shocking.  But I'm gonna try to keep working at it.

I went to a new part of the Charles River, just for a change of pace.  It wasn't as nice as I had hoped it would be, there wasn't a path next to the water so I was running on a bike path next to traffic.  Many more things were whizzing by me than usual.  Also, it was 80 degrees, and a little humid.  I did about 5 minutes warm up and then tried running what I think should be my pace for about a minute.  I definitely don't have the cardio ability for it!  Then I ran my usual pace.  Then I walked for about 30 sec.  Then I decided the way I was going just wasn't that great and I should turn around and try a different direction.  That's when I notice that I had just run uphill, which made me feel a little better.  I did a couple more fartliks in a more downhill area.  Sometimes I enjoy pockets of gravity.

After my three fartliks  I was tired and wanted to turn in and go home, but it was only 13 min, so I ran for another 12 minutes at my regular pace.  And that was that.  It's a little hard to know distance and time because I walked some and because I turned around right between the liqueur store and Staples, which shockingly isn't noted on the map.

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