Monday, July 28, 2014

Not totally lame this month now!

This is my fifth run for the month, so I feel a little less lame about my running.  I decided that it was time to start thinking about training for the Tufts 10K.  I got a training program online that has you running three times a week, a long run on the weekend, speed work on Wed (but only 2 miles of it) and then a shorter run on Monday.  I was reading that you should increase gradually, and it's OK to walk, but that seemed radical.  So, today was the shorter run, which I thought was just 2 miles at first, but then turned out to be 2.5, which isn't really that much shorter than 3.

I had everything mapped out, but then it was rainy, and my calf hurt.  So, I walked for about a quarter of a mile, and then took a "short cut" back.  Only, the short cut turned out to be pretty much 2.5 miles, minus the quarter mile I walked.  So, not shorter and my calf is sore.  I foam rolled.  I don't know if that works on calfs?  Anyhow, it was a slow run (blaming the calf) 26 min 58 sec, and I stopped my watch once I realized that I was walking for a little bit.

Yesterday I actually went to the gym and lifted!  It still sucked.  The gym hasn't really changed much since the last time I was there.  The 10K training has you lift 2x a week, which I feel like I should be able to do, and would be good for me.

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