Thursday, June 12, 2014


Well, this was a lovely first.  I was running today, wearing one of my usual sports bras, and there was definite chaffing on the girls.  Ouch!  Not at all pleasant, and I hope it never happens again.

I did my favorite run on the Charles, from the free parking, up the Psych Yourself Out side that's shorter, and back.  3.51 miles in 37 min 55 sec, no stops for traffic which I was slightly bummed about (what's up with these considerate drivers?  And why can't they be near me when I want to change lanes?)  There were a few points where I actually think I "found my pace," like the speed and way that it's natural for me to run!  Surprisingly, I think my natural pace is a little faster than I've been running.  But I can't do it for 3.5 miles.  If I can stand it, I'll have to try to go on Saturday and do a shorter run but see if I can get it right.  Sunday I'm climbing, and Monday I'm off to Yosemite!!

I've been reading about bears a little too much.  Bears are scary and I hope I don't bump into any out there.

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