Saturday, May 10, 2014

Run to the Gym to Lift

I have always thought I would hate running to the gym to lift, and then running back, and I have just confirmed it.  I did nothing all day today.  It's been kind of nasty and humid out, and so I've been a slug on the couch.  Finally decided that I should get up and do some exercise.  I was telling a friend of mine how my gym is only a mile an a half away, but I always drive, and I got that "you are so lame" look. So, I thought I would try the running thing.  First, it's all downhill on the way there.  Which is lovely on the way there, but not so great on the way home.  Second, and more important, you have to run under the highway and across all kinds of sketchy traffic.  It did involve a lot of stopping, which of course I enjoy. But not sure it's worth risking life and limb.

In the end I ran 2.67 mile in 27 min 57 sec, plus lifted weights for about a half hour.  That's a 10 min 28 sec mile, though it felt way slower.  Lifting is even less fun sandwiched between two runs.  I got home and sat down on the couch and it started thundering and now it's pouring out. At least I have good timing!

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