Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Passed Two Guys

I forgot my watch today, which was just as well because I got horrible cramps right around mile 1.6 and thought I was going to have little accident all over my cute athleta running tights, so I decided to stop and rest for a few.  I was by the Charles, so at least it was nice there, lots to see and admire.  Some of the geese had their little baby chicks!  They are so cute. And there was this 20 something guy with no shirt on, standing on a tree stump, fishing in the river. Also cute.

I was feeling pretty sorry for myself by the time I headed out to run again, but then I caught up with and passed these two guys who were running together!  Totally awesome. The best part is that they seemed a little annoyed by it because soon after we came to a light where we had to wait (which of course I loved) and one of the dudes practically stepped on me, standing in front of me.  And I got to be all "well, you can stand there now, but once the light changes you better get out of my way cause I'm faster than you." But then later one of the guys did pass me.  >sigh<

In total I went slightly less than 3 miles, 2.96.  So, it was still a respectable distance.

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