Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Passed a guy!

Everyone in the world was at the Charles running today because it was gorgeous out.  At lunch today I walked to REI and back - I got my climbing friend Kerry this totally awesome birthday present, I'm going to make her a zombie chalk bag, because she lost her old chalk bag, and she's all about the zombies. Anyhow, I got the zombie part, needed to get the chalk bag part. On mapmyrun I figured out that I walked 2.25 miles, so even though it wasn't running, I decided that counted for something. So, I decided to do a slightly shorter run today.

I went from the part of the Charles with the easy parking upstream one bridge and then back to the Elliot Bridge and that was it. In the end it was about 2.85 miles in almost exactly 30 minutes. I was thinking about running another half mile-ish to get to the water fountain, but then I decided I had enough coffee in my cup from the morning, and I was way too lazy to go any further.

The passing another person happened right at the beginning, this guy started out a few seconds before me, and then I passed him and was all psyched about it. I figured he was just warming up and would pass me again, but he didn't. And then I forgot about him.  When I got back I was stretching out, and then he came back!  Of course, he may not have done the same route as I did.... But probably he did.

I just realized that I have been calculating my runs from a different parking lot from the one I've actually parked in, and I've run about .1 mile less than I thought each time I went in the other direction.  Just got slower.

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