Sunday, April 27, 2014

Power of Habit

Nasty weekend weather-wise. I spent pretty much the entire day yesterday on the couch, with the cats, reading.  I got this book from the library called "The Power of Habit" which talks about how you can make big changes in your life by making things into habits, like exercising and eating right, or passing free doughnuts without taking one.  It's kind of interesting because looks at habit from a lot of different perspectives, part biological, part psychological.  One of the things it said was that people start new kinds of exercise for all sorts of reasons, but they keep up with it because it becomes a habit, and for it to become a habit you need a cue, the action, and then a reward.  So, for me and running, changing into my awesome Athleta running tights is the cue, then I run, and blogging and getting to see how I've done is my reward.  And according to this book, that's why I've kept it up.  Which actually I think may be kind of true.  And, an excellent excuse for more cute running clothes??

Anyhow, this evening the sun finally came out and the clouds were that nice purple-ish blue when the sun is setting.  The trees are all in bloom, and everything smelled so fresh! Which didn't make me any more psyched than usual to go running, sadly.  I promised myself that I could do a shorter run, or go to Davis Square and avoid the hills, but then I just did my regular 5K once I got running.  Pretty slow again, 34 min and 10 sec, which is an 11 min mile.  My right calf is sore, and I don't really understand why. Maybe I need to stretch or something?

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