Thursday, April 24, 2014

Boston Marathon #2

This year's marathon was much more as marathon's should be. I watched on Heartbreak Hill. Oh my head, those runners are fast! The lead women were in a pack, they were moving so fast, and you could tell that not only were they running fast, but they were THINKING, and about things other than their internal organs. Then Meb, the men's winner came by and he was soooo far ahead of everyone else. After he ran by everyone turned to look for the next guy, and there was no one there for ages. I figured out that he runs like 2x my speed, and of course like 6x my distance. Yeah.

Anyhow, back to my little run on the Charles. My Achilles' tendon was really bothering me, so I decided to take a little time off and rest it. Not sure how effective that was, because I note it's sore now, and I did a shorter run today (and slower).  I did a little before the Elliot Bridge to the Anderson Foot Bridge. It took 28 min and 37 sec for about 2.5 miles or about an 11.5 min mile. It was really windy out and my calf hurt. Waaa.

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