Sunday, November 3, 2013

Fresh Pond

I went back to Fresh Pond and this time was more successful on the run.  I ran the whole way around - a couple times people passed me like I was standing still.  It's quite the runner's place.  Anyhow, I ran from the Trader Joes parking lot, around the pond, and then back to Trader Joes, about 5K total and it took 32.27 min, which is about 10 min 32 sec mile, which is respectable.  It was a little bit painful run, but I ran the entire time.  When I started it was freezing, but by the time I was finished the sun had come out a little.

It's been a beautiful fall weekend, and Trader Joes had all kinds of delicious fall foods.  Yum (thank heaven, wouldn't want this running to affect the size of my thighs.)

One year Runaversery on Thursday.  And this was run number 90.  December I should reach 100!  Yes, I am looking online at Athleta :)

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