Thursday, November 14, 2013

Winter's Coming

Getting cold out. I had to take my poor car in again (to a new place) and T in to work again on Tuesday. It was sooo cold out, I wore my winter jacket. Today was warmer, so I decided I should get my run in. I really was not in a running mood, had to make myself go. I went on the Charles, but a little way up from the last couple times. I went over the Longfellow Bridge - they removed all the little towers for construction! Weird. I really wanted to turn left and go the shorter route, up to the Museum of Science. But I didn't. It felt like a pretty slow run while I was doing it, and it turned out that in fact it felt slow because it was slow. 3.9 miles in 42 minutes: a 10 min 40 sec mile pace.  But, at least I did it.

This was run #92. Eight more until 100. After spending all that money on the runaversary, I can't buy new tights. Wonder how I'll celebrate?

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