Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Broke the Ten Minute Mile!!!!!

Unless my watch is broken I ran better than a 10 minute mile!  Like 9 minutes and 50 seconds.  It sure seemed slow when I was running and there were a couple times when people ran past me like I was standing still.  But, there was some traffic, so I ran faster than the cars on Storrow for some of the run.  Anyhow, it felt pretty good while I was running.  I ran on the Charles, from the nice free parking up toward Harvard Square, across the Western Ave bridge, and back.  I thought it was slightly less than 3 miles, so I ran past my car and then back when I finished, so that I would get the full 3.1 miles.  When I mapped it out on map my run it says it was 3.67 miles.  And I'm going with that!  My total time was 36 min and 30 sec, but I had to stop on the bridge for traffic (totally legit).  I couldn't get to my watch to pause it, but I counted 30 one-thousands while I waited.

It was sooo cold out, I was considering not going for a run, but it had been a while since I was resting my leg from whatever the deal was on the Fresh Pond run.  I even went to the gym once this week and lifted weights.  Wow.

I can't believe I'm approaching my One Year Runaversary!  It will be next Thursday.  New running tights?  Perhaps :)

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