Sunday, November 10, 2013

Lazy Day Run

It's Veteran's Day weekend and I have been a total lazy slug!  I went food shopping, I went out for pizza and beer (because I forgot about the frozen pizza at Market Basket until I was in line, and then I had too much line time invested to go to the freezer section), and I did 5 loads of laundry and cleaned the bathroom.  I was going to go to yoga, but then instead I made an apple crisp, and ate most of it.  So, I decided spur of the moment to go for a run.  Wore the new Athleta tights, which I have to say would fit better if I stopped eating entire apple crisps in one sitting.

Ran the usual 5K and I did it in 31 minutes and 47 seconds, but I had to stop at the light for 10 sec (totally legit), so it was 31 37 sec, which is a 10 min 12 sec mile.  This route is waaay hillier than the one by the Charles, so I feel like I get some points for that.  For part of it I really felt like I was running, not just jogging.

There's a running group here in Somerville that I'm thinking about joining.  They go for runs three days a week, right in the neighborhood.  Maybe I would learn something about running - there must be things to learn...

For some reason, I kept smelling steak today.

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