Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Grilled Cheese Sandwich

I had the most delicious grilled cheese sandwich at Uno's for dinner, sourdough bread coated in butter with a ton of delicious melted cheese, grilled until it was the perfect crunchiness.  With a tasty tomato soup.  Which was probably 1000 calories and 45 grams of fat, and I regretted as soon as I finished because of the intense calorie count and the fact that I'm lactose intolerant and it was a lot of cheese.  But I will think of grilled cheese at yoga shavasana again.  Mmmm.

So, anyhow, I thought it fitting for me to do fartlicks again because, well, the cheese.  But then I couldn't bring myself to do them d/t the large gas bubble hanging out in my stomach.  Anyhow, I came home and did the usual 5K in 33min 38 sec, and it was actually a pretty good run!  I did have to stop one point to cross a street, lots of traffic and they were already looking annoyed by this biker.  But that's legit.  That's a little slower than my "usual" pace - 10 min and 50 sec per mile.  I think I started a little slow because I was worried about the cheese.

There was a man with no shirt on walking his dog.   Big beefy dude walking a skinny grayhound.  You know how people and their pets tend to look similar, well, somehow these two did.

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