Friday, October 11, 2013

Car Repairs

I had two flat tires in two days!  Unbelievable.  The first one still had some air in it, so I was able to drive it to the garage, but the one yesterday was completely flat.  I had to call AAA.  I was thinking I needed a tow, but the dude who came reminded me about this thing called a spare tire.  Which he put on my car - it was hidden underneath the car, not in the trunk, and the rim was totally covered in rust.  I bet that's what the rest of the bottom of my car looks like.

Anyhow, today I took the car over to my mechanic and T'ed into work.  Once I got home I decided to run to the garage to pick it up.  It's about 2.7 miles, which is an OK distance for a run, and most of it was new running area, not the same boring route.  Also, not being a loop, I got to go down hill more than up :) There were a couple big uphills, especially at the start because I ran up Winter Hill instead of around it.  Which is all just an explanation for the fact that yes, I ran about a 10 min, 10 sec mile!  Maybe one day I will actually get below a 10 min mile, especially if I can find all downhill routes....

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