Monday, October 7, 2013

Fartlek Take 2

I didn't get to run this weekend because I was off at a work thing all day Saturday (in Maine) and then went climbing in NH on Sunday.  Two climbs, my first trad follow!  It was fricking scary!!  The rope was a lot thinner than I'm used to and there's a lot of give to it, so when I needed to stop I went down a lot further than I like : (  Of course, I got to the top and was like, "that was so cool!" Must be the adrenalin that makes it so fun - good to be alive.

Today I had a long day at work, so I decided that I would do a shorter run, but compensate with some fartleks.  I only ran 2.27 miles, but I did about a half dozen sprints, a couple of them up hill!  Total time was 24 min and 10 sec, which is about a 10 min 38 sec mile overall.  So, for sure it wasn't faster than usual.  But I was really puffing away - much more so than normal.  So hopefully it was helpful.

I was thinking about how some people say that a 10+ minute mile is hardly running, it's more jogging and that they walk that fast.  But, thinking about it, no one has ever walked past me while I am running.  And I pass a lot of walkers.  But not runners, of course.

Towards the end of the run my knees started hurting.  I did smash a knee against a hold climbing on Tuesday, so I blame that.  But, I really should try to start lifting again.  I haven't done any of that for a couple months.

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