Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Davis Square

I hadn't run for a while (weekend migraine, totally sucked.) so I decided to try to go a little further.  It's prefect running weather, everyone on the planet was out running by the Charles.  I wished I had brought my shoes so I could run there too.  Instead I ran my usual route with an added loop to Davis Square.  It was about 3.94 miles, and I totally walked up the hill on Sycamore St.  I couldn't find my watch with the timer and didn't want to use that as an excuse, so I didn't time it.  I looked at the clock when I left, and when I returned, and it was about 45 min, which is my usual pace.

If I had run at the Charles I'm sure I would have passed someone.  As it was, a few people passed me, one wearing the exact same shoes as me.  She had a kind of funny stride, but she flew past me like I was standing still.  Apparently stride isn't everything.

All and all, a good run.  It felt like I could keep going, though of course I was happy to stop for traffic lights.  If I'm not going to get faster, then I should go for longer.

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