Sunday, May 26, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

It's really windy out, so I decided to hit the gym again. It great running when you have a tail wind, but otherwise I kind of hate it. I got to minute 17 or 18, and I was totally in the zone (well, as in the zone as I can get) and then accidentally tapped the Stop button! It totally sucked. I gave myself another 13 minutes, so I would know I def ran 30 min, but I'm not totally sure how far I went. I was going 5.8 mph for most of the run, which is my usual 10.20 min mile, so probably I did 5K.

I tried doing Burpees before lifting, which I did before running -so I wouldn't feel like I needed to puke again. I did 10, five, then a pause and five more. I'm going to try to make them a regular part of my workout, working up to doing a minute of them. They suck, but they are good.

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