Tuesday, May 14, 2013


We had a work retreat today. It was really a faculty retreat but my office had to go as well because apparently we have nothing else to do. It was so painful, and there wasn't even booze at the end! By the end my entire body felt like a wet blanket. The weather isn't that nice and I was going to use it as an excuse to not run, but then I decided that I ran outside in Dec, so that wouldn't fly.

I'm going to yoga soon, so I did do a shorter loop, 2.87 miles which I did in less than 30 min.  That's some form of 10 min mile. I had my pedometer on, so I don't know secs. That is a little pedometer flaw. It felt really slow when I was running, but I think it was my usual pace.

I'm out of quarters and out of yoga clothes! But I'll figure something out. Gotta zen out, and my favorite yoga instructor is moving to FL, so gotta go while I can. Very sad, how can he do that to me?? :)

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