Monday, May 20, 2013

Sea World All Over Again

For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to go for a long run on one days rest when it's 86 degrees out. BAD idea. I made it about 1.67 miles in about 22 minutes, which is my regular pace. But then I completely overheated and had to start walking at mile 2. I wound up running for 31 minutes, and went about 3.47 miles, but I walked about 3/4 of a mile of it, and when I got home my entire face was a blotchy red mess. I drank a big thing of coconut water and took a cool bath, and now I'm good. I wonder if it was the 86 degrees, or if it was just that I'm not used to the hot weather?  I'm so ready for a nap now!

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