Monday, May 6, 2013

Charles in the Spring (with sunscreen in my eyes)

Beautiful day out today. I brought a change of clothes to work so I could stop on the way home and run. I parked near MIT and did my Charles River route, with a prologue and a post-script (getting to and from the water.) Good run today, a little slow, but 3.75 miles, so that's acceptable.  I did the whole thing in about 39 minutes. That's according to the pedometer. I decided that I wanted to get an even 40 minutes, and had to do kind of a lot of short spirts to get there.

Of course, putting on sun screen I got it in my eyes, and then they were all watery for the whole run, so I looked like a dork.

As I was leaving in my car, doing a U-ey to go in the correct direction, this MIT bike cop yelled at me that "that's a bad idea and illegal!" I replied something like "oh, yeah, sorry." But on the inside I was thinking "poor MIT cop, can't even give me a traffic ticket." Also, "ahh, so that is illegal." Drivers Ed was a long time ago.

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