Saturday, June 1, 2013

New Job!!!

In the end I decided not to wait to see if anyone would get their shit together with the Assistant Dean position (because its been like three months) and I applied for a job as the Program Manager for the PreHealth Program. I just found out on Thursday that I got the job! It was a really stressful process, involving lots of Cheese Doodles and very little running.  All worth it, though, I'm so psyched.

Back to the gym today. It's 90 and humid, and I did learn something from the Sea World/Bad Day for a Long Run experiences. I really really didn't want to go for a run, so I told myself I could run slow. I went 5.7 mph which is about 10.30 minute mile. In 35 min, with the cool down I ran 5K pretty much exactly, so that was fine. I was pooped after, lifted a few weights, did 4 burpees and left.

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