Saturday, May 18, 2013

New Section of the Charles

I went for the first SUP of the season! I had forgotten how nice it is on the Charles. I went from the Boston site, up the river to Harvard Square and back. The weather was perfect. After I went for a run on the Charles, down by the the Canoe and Kayak place. Free parking - yay! I thought I had mapped out the distance and it was like 4 miles that I was going to run, but when I finished I had only been running for 27 minutes, so I knew that was off.  I went to the Anderson Foot Bridge and back. I ran kind of slow because I thought it was going to be a longer run. It felt great! I think it was like a 10.40 minute mile. I felt like I could have kept going for longer, but then I was back at my car, and I was kind of hungry, and I had done my 30 min, and paddle boarded...  Next time I'll try adding another bridge.

There were so many geese with their little babies, and the fish were spawning. I even saw one goose who had built a nest under a bridge hanging out, and I could see the eggs!  I was a little worried that they would roll into the river, but the goose seemed ok with everything.

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