Sunday, January 1, 2023

New Year's Polar Plunge

We celebrated the New Year with a little party and polar plunge! We had a pretty good turnout for the event, about 50 or so. It was a fun way to start the year. I made gingerbread cookies and these chocolate mermaid tails and there was dancing and a fire and photos. Super fun start to the New Year.

For NYE I did an online yoga that started at 10 pm and ended right at midnight. It was a new studio in NYC, I really liked the teacher - she made the class a little reflective and a little bit of a workout (but not too crazy). Definitely one of the best ways to spend the last day of the year. 

Today, of course, I decided that I want to lose a little weight that I've gained this year, so back on the old diet. Not too psyched about it, but my pants are getting really tight, and I so don't want to have to pull out the fat pants. 

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