Monday, January 23, 2023

Bad bad ski day

I had a bonus day off today because I worked yesterday. Since I found out I would get the day off, I've been planning on going skiing, and been super excited about it. When I looked at the weather on Sunday night, it was supposed to rain at Nashoba, but snow in NH. So, I had the brilliant idea to go up to Pat's Peak. Worst idea ever! 

I got up super early and drove up to NH. It was a little weathery, but not too bad on the way up. But, I was worried about the drive home. I got there, did a couple runs, and realized that I don't know how to ski in fresh snow. Then, my goggles fogged over. And I was so stressed because it was snowing a lot, that I decided to bag it and go home. I stayed for about an hour. The drive home started ok, but then I went down this side street and got stuck on a hill. I could not get up it. I finally had to go back, and go around another way. It was soooo stressful. I almost drove off the side of the road. Once I got back to a main road it was ok, but I was so stressed out. Then, my rubber on my windshield wiper started coming off, so that it wasn't cleaning 100%. Which just didn't help.

I finally got home (phew), had a little bit to eat (ok, I had oat pancakes. It was a lot) and then decided to get a new wiper, some cash for the cleaners, and some gummies to make me feel less stressed. The roads were getting pretty crappy here by the time I got home. Now I'm home - no swimming for today. Maybe I'll take a walk later. What a way to ruin a bonus day off!

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