Sunday, January 27, 2019


I went downhill skiing at nashoba valley today - it was so fun!  I had a real ski pass and was able to go on the big kid slopes.  The mountain is really just a hill - to find real mountains you have to go to NH or VT, but it was just the right amount for me.  I went down all of the blue trails (like 5 of them) and didn't fall or crash at all.  Win!  I was kind of eyeing the black diamond, but then decided maybe not my first time on skis on a mountain (ish) in like - well, a really long time.  I skied from about 9:30-2:30.  I'm pooped.

On the way down the mountains, at the steep parts I was definitely pretty snow plowey.  But on the flatter areas I could bring my skis parallel.  Will totally try more.

I think work is still going well.  There's definitely a different culture, which is taking some getting used to.  Also, I'm in the career center, and people keep asking me questions about how to get a job.  Ha!  If they knew my work history, they wouldn't.

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