Tuesday, January 22, 2019

More Spin

I'm really enjoying class pass - it's nice to be able to go to a variety of studios.  There's even crossfit, if I can work myself up to it!  Today I went to spin class - this one's near where I live and I'd been there before. They let you use biking shoes for free, which is a nice feature.  It was a good workout!  I don't love spin, but it's fine.  I mean, you sit on the bike, then you stand up, then you bop around a little.  This studio they post your rank in the class as a motivation tool, which gives me crossfit flashbacks.  At the end I wanted to throw up a little, so it was a good workout!  After class I got an email from the studio that I was number 30 of 32 in rank in the class.  I don't think that's good marketing.

The new job is still going well I think.  I haven't said anything amazingly stupid yet.  Today I went to a meeting with Harvard and MIT peeps where we had lunch and shared ideas.  Ha!  I felt cool :)

I watched Marie Kondo's netflix show about the magic of cleaning up, and all of a sudden I was throwing all my clothes in a pile on my bed.  It's crazy!  I'm going to see if I can follow the suggestions.  I have this idea of myself as someone who's messy, but maybe that could be revisited...

The guy who lives below me has a new boyfriend over.  I have the feeling I'm about to be treated to a little boy-on-boy action. Sigh.

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