Thursday, January 10, 2019


I went to a new studio for spin class today, it wasn't too bad.  The place was like an oven, the mirrors were wet at the end!  After we left the studio, the woman at the front desk was like "sorry, forgot to turn on the AC..."  Anyhow, the class was only 45 minutes, which was good.  I feel like you can do anything for 45 minutes, even spin class.  I think I was able to adjust the tension a little higher this week than previous classes, and some if it was almost a little fun.  I'm going to try to keep going!

I'm almost finished with week 1 at the new job.  I think things are going well.  I'm starting to feel a little comfortable. I figured out the shortcut from the parking lot to my building.  I've stopped walking into other people's offices, thinking they are mine.  I baked biscotti last night, and brought them in for everyone - and they were gone by lunch.  So, I feel like they are my people!  And, I see some low hanging fruit in terms of changes to make to improve things, which is a little bit of a relief :)

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