Wednesday, February 20, 2019


Somehow going to barre, yoga and spin doesn't inspire me to blog in the way other exercise does, though I feel like it should.  I went to spin class today and noticed for the first time that I wasn't dying in the class and it was almost like fun!  I guess I'm getting back into shape after the dissertation.  I've signed up for ballet class again on Friday, this will be ballet class #2 since the Bush administration (Bush 1).

Today I chaired my first faculty committee meeting!!  I think it went reasonably well.  I was a little nervous and talked too fast.  Hopefully next time will be a little less nervous.  Also, I had so much trouble with the copier, it kept jamming, and eventually I had to go to the copy center.  But, this lead to me accidentally leaving a sheet out of one of the packets.  Oops. Everyone was pretty good about it though, they were like "are you testing to see if we read it?"  Other than that, it went pretty well.  I've made suggestions ("suggestions," because really, we are doing them) for revisions to our letter format and no one objected, which was a win.  All and all, a success.  We'll see what the letters look like.

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