Saturday, December 29, 2018

Dance Class

Today I took my first ballet class in a really long time - I was trying to remember the last time I took a ballet class, and I think that it was when the First Bush was president! That's a while. Needless to say, I was a little worried that it would be a disaster.  But, it was awesome!!  My body remembered a lot of the steps, even if I'm much fatter and clunkier than I was the last time I tried dance.  The class was held in this beautiful old church in Cambridge.  Totally going to go back.  There's a ballet school in Newton also, which will be close to my new job (and there's a sierra trading post outlet there, which is an added bonus/expense), and they also have adult classes.  They are both on my list!  I did the beginner class - maybe at some point I will progress to elementary :)

I spent the last two days recovering the wingback chair that I have in my living room.  I had a piece of material basically thrown over it before.  It looks really nice, and it's pretty close to done now.  I just hope that my little punks (aka the cats) don't totally destroy it.  Tigger already clawed at it, and now it has a few loose threads...

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