Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sumo Deadlifts

I wound up not going twice last week as well, I kept thinking I had a stomach ache, but actually I'm pretty sure I was just sore from the workout. So, this week I have to get back on it.  I was going to go for a long bike ride today, but it's like 80 and humid out, and that didn't sound fun. Plus, the WOD sounded do-able. So, off I went to crossfit.

We started with Sumo Deadlifts, which are like regular deadlifts, but you stand like a sumo, with a wider squat and use more quads than glutes to lift. I was a little unsure about the technique, so I started with 85 pounds. That was just fine, so I went up to 100 and then 115. In total I did 5 sets of 5, mostly at 100, but the last at 115.

750 meters rowing
50 thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
750 meters rowing
my time: 13:38

That was a very aerobic workout. With a lot of thrusters! I was going to do sets of 10, which I did for the first set. Then I did 2 sets of 5. Then 5 sets of 6. Yikes!  But now it's Sunday and I've done one workout for the week :)

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