Thursday, June 29, 2017

School's Out for the Summer!

I just submitted my last assignments for my second to last class for my doctoral program! Only one more class and that little paper thing (dissertation, blah blah, I'll worry about that later). But, the last class isn't offered in the summer, so I have to wait until September to take it. So psyched about that, I have about two and a half months off from classes. Yay!!

So, I actually did this workout yesterday, it's just a few minutes after midnight. I was going to go to crossfit on Sunday again, but actually was really tired. Wound up coming home after visiting with my mom and taking a nap (not an uncommon response, we spent 2 hours at Walgreens!)  Monday and Tuesday I wasn't feeling so great either, IDK what was up. But today I'm feeling better, so off to the box.

We started with a warm up that was pretty OK, down dog push-ups, kip swings (which I actually can do), jumping with the jump rope, and warm ups with the bar bell.

WOD: it was a hero WOD today, the last time they did it was after I joined but before I started blogging, so I don't know if I did it before.
Whittman: 10 rounds
6 push ups (or 3 handstand pushups)
6 deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
12 pull ups (I used bands)
48 jumps on the jump rope (or 24 doubles)
my time: 26:57

It doesn't look that hard because it's such small numbers of reps, but there are so many of them! That's 60 deadlifts at 95 pounds!

I went to see a registered dietitian yesterday to see if I could make some headway with this stupid weight gain. She recommends this crazy thing where you eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full. I felt my head wanting to explode a little. You can eat after 9, or have bread, you don't have to count calories, and you can eat a brownie if you feel like it, without feeling guilty. You are meant to eat fruits and veggies for 50%, 25% whole grains, 25% lean protein at each meal.  And I think maybe pay attending to what you are eating? I'm gonna try it.

Saturday, June 24, 2017

Concord Carlisle 24 mile ride

I've been a total bike slacker, and I know I have to stop. Bike trip is like 6 weeks away! Today was rainy out this morning and I went climbing. After, it was clearing up, and I realized it would be fine for a bike ride. Somehow, though, I didn't leave here until 5:30 for the bike ride, what the heck was I doing? I decided that a 24 miler looked good. I didn't have that much time and it was still humid out. It was a really pretty ride, around some back roads in Concord, Carlisle, and areas like that. Super nice out there!

I was pretty slow - I got on my bike to start riding at 6:07 pm and finished the 24 miles at 8:54 which is almost 3 hrs. No stopping except to look at the map or adjust the backpack, really short stuff. I need to pick up the pace. I think the next few weeks I should try to ride my bike 4 days a week, even if it's just for an hour, or even a half hour.

There were three ice cream places, with homemade icecream, and since I was so late I couldn't stop for any. That's the real bummer of getting started so late. I got home and made a whole batch of pancakes and ate them all!

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Second Crossfit of the week and it's Wednesday!

Finally back in the swing of things! It's only Wednesday and I've done crossfit twice this week! Feeling good about that!! And, now I can't go again until Sunday, which I'm kind of psyched about as well. I told my mom that I would take her shopping on Sunday, so I can go on the way there, and hopefully repeat this week's feat.

They've gotten kind of carried away with packing stuff into the workouts, and the result is that  the beginner (or in my case middle aged non-athletic women's) class never really finishes everything. Sometimes it's OK, and sometimes it's a little bit of a bummer. Today it was some of each.

We started with at tabata style warm-up: EMOM 8
1. 8 calories on the rower (was supposed to be 10, but I did 8)
2. jump rope 60 times (or 30 double unders)
3. 20 banded side steps
4. 25 glute bridges

Then we did box squats, which are back squats where you stick your but out like you are pooping in a  squat toilet that's not remarkably savory. But with 85 pounds on your back. And, instead of pooping you sit briefly on a box and then stand up again. We were supposed to do 5 rounds of 2, but this was where the workout got cut short, and I wound up doing 3 rounds, with the highest at 85 pounds. Which was both a bummer and OK, because my legs are still sore from the 50 thrusters.

1. 10 calories on the rower
2. jump rope 60 times (or 30 double unders)
3. 10 power snatches (15 for regular athletes) I lifted 45 pounds.
If you didn't finish a round in the minute, you had to run a lap after.

When I read the WOD, I thought you had to do all 3 each minute, and I was like "I'm not running 15 laps." But it turned out that you only did one per minute, so it was a total of 5 sets of rowing, 5 of jumping, and 5 of snatches (which is actually 50 snatches, now that I think of it.) Hope I won't be as sore as after the thrusters!

I came home and ate, and then was like "It's nice out and it's the longest day of the year, I should go for a bike ride." So I rode my bike to my garden. It's not that far, just a couple miles each way the way I went, but lots of hill and my legs were killing me!

This week at work is the close of our budget year. I thought I was 13K under budget, so I went on a little spending spree. But then I realized that actually this one expense hadn't been deducted, and so I was like 6K in the hole. Oops. Fortunately it all worked out ok. It's probably chump change in the big picture, but I had a few kind of nervous moments. This was compounded a little bit by the fact that they gave me a nice bonus and raise this year (and by nice I mean more than 2.5%, but whatever. In education you gotta be happy with what you get.)

I also heard from one of my former co-workers in my old office (with my former crazy boss) that she (the co-worker) is leaving. She was the only remaining person there, besides the nutcase, from when I worked in the office. Complete turnover, some positions multiple times. Wow.

I'm supposed to do my final discussion board post for my class today, but I just can't. So far I have 70 out of 70 points for the class. The 11 discussion boards are worth 10% of the grade. I think I'm going to skip it! I'm such a rebel. If she give me an A- I'll be sorry.

Sunday, June 18, 2017

Sumo Deadlifts

I wound up not going twice last week as well, I kept thinking I had a stomach ache, but actually I'm pretty sure I was just sore from the workout. So, this week I have to get back on it.  I was going to go for a long bike ride today, but it's like 80 and humid out, and that didn't sound fun. Plus, the WOD sounded do-able. So, off I went to crossfit.

We started with Sumo Deadlifts, which are like regular deadlifts, but you stand like a sumo, with a wider squat and use more quads than glutes to lift. I was a little unsure about the technique, so I started with 85 pounds. That was just fine, so I went up to 100 and then 115. In total I did 5 sets of 5, mostly at 100, but the last at 115.

750 meters rowing
50 thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
750 meters rowing
my time: 13:38

That was a very aerobic workout. With a lot of thrusters! I was going to do sets of 10, which I did for the first set. Then I did 2 sets of 5. Then 5 sets of 6. Yikes!  But now it's Sunday and I've done one workout for the week :)

Thursday, June 15, 2017

Burpee Pull-ups

It's been quite a while since I engaged in a blogable workout, but that doesn't mean I've just been sitting on my butt, though I confess I have done a lot of that. I got my bike fixed and did a couple short rides (one hour types), worked in the garden, went to yoga and climbing, and did a lot of walking. I went to my annual conference in Philly and walked around the city there, I'd never been there before and it was pretty nice!  At the conference my Dean buddy told me that he had arranged to go to the crossfit there. That's so hard core.

I had a really bad migraine and had to go to the ER for the first time in a while - I ubered there which actually worked out fine. It was 2 am when I decided I needed to go and this seemed easier than waking someone up, making them drive to get me, and then be up half the night when they had work the next day. Plus, it was faster for me because the driver got there in like 4 minutes. And when you tell an uber driver you might throw up, they drive super fast.

I made an appointment to see a registered dietitian to figure something out about my diet. I just feel out of control and it's driving me a little nuts. My appointment isn't for a couple weeks, so apparently I think that's an excuse to eat whatever I want. That's bad.

Today was the return to crossfit. I was going to go on Tuesday, there was a lot of rowing and sit-ups, things that I can do, but it was 95 degrees out, so that was a no-go. I was bummed because it means two days in a row now, and burpee pull ups.

The warm up was "Death by Burpees" which I was dreading, and for good reason. We did burpee pull ups (in my case the pull up was jumping from a box). The first 30 sec you did 1. The second 30 sec you did 2. The third you did 3, etc, until you couldn't fit into 30 sec. I got up to 4. Then you went down one for the rest of the tabata. In the end I wound up doing 20, which really isn't that death-y, and certainly not worth all the dread I felt about it.

We started with strict press and push press. I got up to 55 pounds on the strict press, without bending my knees at all, and up to 65 pounds on push press. We only had time for one round of three on push press, which was OK with me because 65 pounds was actually pretty heavy!

WOD: 8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
clean and jerk (I did 45 pounds)
burpee pull ups
my time: 13:10

The regular WOD started at 10 and then 9, but I did level 1 that was easier. I think it was still a pretty good workout, and just fine for my first day back. Especially since I have climbing plans for Saturday, so I'm going to have to go again tomorrow!