Thursday, September 8, 2016

Day 1 of 2

Once again I'm in the position of having to do two days of crossfit in a row. Today wasn't too bad, I got caught in traffic and got there late so I missed the warm up, which was a good thing because it was the coach's birthday and the class did 29 burpees in his honor. Hum, I've been 29 many times before too (except I think maybe he really is).

400 meter sprint (WTF? Sprint?)
3 rounds:
5 power snatches (I lifted 35 pounds)
5 squats (it was supposed to be overhead, but those hurt my shoulders, so I did back)
25 double unders (I did 50 singles)
400 meter sprint
3 rounds:
5 power snatches
5 squats
25 double unders
400 meter sprint
my time: 17 min 50 sec

We started with snatches or power snatches. I did power snatches because I'm so powerful :) Also because I can't squat with the barbel over my head. We did 5 rounds of 3 and I got up to 60 pounds for the last 2 rounds.

The students are back at school. It's so strange, but it is kind of nice.

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