Saturday, July 9, 2016

Partner WOD

I hate partner WODS because then I have to slow someone down and feel all bad about it. But, I'd only been once this week and it's Saturday, so I sucked it up and went. We had the super-intense chick for class, the one who is sad that she didn't get to climb the rope in gym. Her warm ups are harder than the WOD I think. I missed the first part where everyone ran a loop (1/3 mile) - I was all "is it just two people in class today?" and she looked at me like I was a little bit of an idiot. Ya, missed that, but it was OK. After the loop, we did different things across the box - toe touches, bear crawls, lunges, burpees, and three sets of suicides. Then we did a tabata stomach workout that I need but didn't enjoy.

WOD: Everyone works at once, alternating activities when the running/rowing partner finishes
2 rounds
Partner 1 (that's me): Burpees = I did 9 the first round, 12 the second (yuck)
Partner 2 (another Cindy!): Fireman's carry, 100 meters
2 rounds
Partner 1: kettlebell swings (I used the lightest and did 25 the first round and 27 the second)
Partner 2: run 200 meters
2 rounds
Partner 1: Pull ups (I used a band and did 13 the first round and 15 the second)
Partner 2: row 250 meters
Our time: 18 min

Other Cindy is also old and slow. She wears full makeup to crossfit, which I just don't get. Anyhow, she didn't care that I didn't do a lot of burpees and I didn't care that she didn't do a lot of kettle bell swings. So there you have it.

I went climbing again on Thursday. This week I wound up with a kind of smelly partner, which I wasn't crazy about. Next week I may climb twice, Wed and Thurs, but we'll see if that's realistic, esp with the crossfit schedule...

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