Monday, July 11, 2016


Today was a kind of frustrating crossfit day because I was the only girl in the class, and we were doing sets of presses and push presses. And of course the guys got all of the weight thingees, so I didn't get one for myself. Why are women like that?? Guys don't have a problem going for the thingees. Anyhow, I had to share one with a guy who was lifting way more than me, which was not really fun, and made me a little sad (because we weren't even using the same barbell, for heaven sake!)  Anyhow, I guess I should check my ego at the door, and also my girl-y manners.

We did four sets of three on strict press and push press. I started at 35 pounds, then 45, 55 and 60. For push presses I did 60, 65 and 70. I really wanted to do 75, and I did once! But then that was it, it was too heavy.

2000 meter row
20 clean and jerks (I did 45 pounds)
my time: 14:52, 10 min of which was rowing

I have my first almost ripe tomato from the garden this year! I was getting nervous that something would come eat it, so I picked it. I'm gonna let it ripen for a couple more days in the kitchen and then, salad time!

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