Sunday, February 22, 2015

Spring Like!

It's a balmy 40 degrees out, everyone was outside at the Charles running.  There were a couple people (guys of course) in shorts.  Brrr, not me.  I had my patagonia ninja hoodie (with the hood down - convertible style!) and my Athleta lined pants.  Just perfect.  The Boston side of the river was a little soggy in a few places, but the Cambridge side was a mess!  Totally snowy, I mean, there was a woman cross country skiing.  I started to get worried that it was a little too much like trail running and I might hurt my ankle, so I wound up walking for most of the way on that side.  I admit I enjoyed it, but it's the short side of the river, so it wasn't that far. In total I think I went about 5K, I wound up walking about 3/4 of a mile of that, but totally legit.

I've been working on this killer literature review for this class I'm taking.  Yesterday I finished the bulk of the body of the thing, so it now just needs a little fiddly work done on it. So, it will stop taking over my weekends, and just be something I work on a little every day.  For a Puff D, it's a lot of work!

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