Sunday, March 16, 2014

Ras na hEireann Year 2

I can't believe I just ran the Ras na hEireann a second time!  And, even more exciting, I finally broke the 10 min mile for a 5K race :)  And, it's not a totally flat race, there's even a hill at the end.  According to my watch I did it in 30 min and 40 sec, which is about about a 9 min 55 second mile.  So, not that I totally blew the 10 min mile out of the water, but I was pretty happy about it.  Now that I'm so much more experienced of a racer :) I knew a little more about the crowds, and pacing myself.  It was pretty crowded at the start again, but I still did the first mile in less than 10 min, and I think that's the hardest since it has a lot of uphill.  When I saw the 1 mile marker, and looked at my watch, that's when I knew I could do it!  I did a little pacing on the uphill parts, and ran a little faster on the downhill.  I got a little caught by slower (!) runners, but all and all a good run.  The last .25 mile is all down hill (after the biggest uphill though) and I was trying to sprint a little, but I couldn't that much.  So, I def used it all up.  

I'm thinking that my next run will be the Tufts 10K on Columbus Day weekend.  I mean, for sure I want to do that one, but I'm not sure about any more 5K's.  On the one hand it was nice to push myself a little here.  On the other hand, I've now done 4 5K's (not counting the Dirty Girl when I was sick) and I'm not sure if I need to keep doing them.  Maybe if I ever make some running friends I will think it's a good thing to do more of in the future....

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