Saturday, March 8, 2014

Don't want to jinx it, but is spring coming?

Fresh Pond is rough with the cramps, or maybe it's just when I decide to run things in reverse of my usual way.  It's finally a spring-like day out today!  It's like 45 degrees out and sunny!  So, of course I decided to go for a long run.  I wanted to go on the dirt path at the end of the bike path, but of course that's covered in snow, so I wound up just going to Fresh Pond - it's right by Trader Joes and my fridge has like 5 things in it, and two of them smell funny.

I don't know who I was kidding with the long run.  I got 20 minutes into the run (and I wasn't even going fast because it was a little slushy and slippery in some places) and I got all crampy and grose feeling.  I tried to run through it, but then was like "it's so nice out, I'm still going to go 3 miles, why torture myself?" So, I walked a little more than half of it.  It was sooo nice out, and I was walking at a pretty decent pace, though I noticed that a white toy poodle with bright blue boots was still walking faster than me, so it was definitely not running.  I'm still counting it d/t effort.  Everyone should get a trophy sometimes (I guess I could be a helicopter parent).

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