Sunday, March 23, 2014

Davis Square Cramps

I thought I had waited long enough after eating to run, but I got about 15 min into the run, and got a really really bad case of cramps.  I was actually thinking I would do a longer run, going to the bike path, through Davis, and then down the bike path a little further.  I figured I could go for a half hour out, turn around, and come back.  Only, in Davis the Evil Cramps got the better of me, and I had to walk.  I thought about lying down on the side of the road and letting them pass, but it was kind of cold and muddy, and a gal's gotta have some pride, so I just walked for about 2/3 of a mile until they finally stopped.  Then I jogged home.  Total running time was 30 min, total distance was 3.1 miles, but I walked for that big chunk of the distance, and then jogged much slower after, since I didn't want the cramps coming back.  I gotta do some google research on these cramps.  Maybe I'm dehydrated?

Tuesday I'm going on a 4 day yoga retreat in the Berkshires at Kripalu.  I'm pretty psyched about it, lots of yoga, snow shoeing (I think, or maybe hiking?), reading, eating crunchy people food, and being all zen.  Hopefully it won't be too much zen-ness for me.  Yelp reviews say that you have to buy your coffee at this cafe there, so I've already bought some Starbucks instant :)  So, I'm not going to return a total hippy chick.

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