Thursday, March 20, 2014

First Day of Spring

Spring started today, and it was nice out! I actually left the window opened for The Cats when I went to work (a bit over optimistic on that one, but they like their bird watching weather sniffing time). It was warm and sunny out, and I thought a perfect run day. Only, when I actually got to the Charles, it turned out it was actually "warm" out, and it was really windy. So, it wound up being a kind of short run, 2.88 miles. I'm not quite sure how long it took, I think I stopped my watch at one point (waiting for a light, totally legit) and didn't start again. Anyhow, I guess it was about a half hour.

Official results from Sundays race are in. I ran a 9 min 51 sec mile! Even faster than I thought I had done. Go me :). I passed a lot of people during the race. I want to know where those people usually run, because for sure it's not on the Charles!

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